Love, Peace and Friday!


It's Friday and boy am I ready for five o'clock!  With that said, may the clock tick faster and may all sense of time slip away from me as I endure the final hours at work... hehe....

What else, what else?  Oh yeah, Valentines Day is Monday.  Joy.  I'm not fanatical about this holiday,  I just let it wash over me.  My man and I will, in all likelihood, go eat at our favorite Thai restaurant and afterward we'll be so stupid happy (and waaaay too full) to do anything else but snuggle together and watch a movie at home.  Sounds heavenly to me!

By the way, isn't that little meatball up above just the cutest thing ever?  My man really wants one...  And I must admit I wouldn't mind one either, even though most Bulldogs tend to get super overweight and have many problems (apart from the major one of not being able to mate on their own - eek!)  But, maybe some day (over the rainbow) he'll get one.... and I'll get a Boxer pup just as sweet and amazing as my brother's Boxer - Kimbo, seen in this post.

What else?  I'm looking forward to doing some gardening this weekend!  I must consolidate some of my single stragglers.... plants that is.  By now I have come to love big planters with lots of different cacti and succulents in them, not just one by itself (except certain ones).  I'd also like to paint the inside of this gorgeous wood trunk that my grandmother gave me a few years ago...  It's really old and has a very Moroccan look, I love it to pieces.  And that is why I've decided red is not the most flattering color for the inside, TURQUOISE is!!!  DUH!!!  I will be sure to take before and after pictures and share the process with you, as well as the paint color I use.  Yay!  I can't wait until I actually get around to doing it!

What's on your agenda for the weekend?


(Image via a chain e-mail on puppies, but it's also watermarked