Truth and Relativity

A while back, a cousin of mine spoke their mind on Facebook... In essence, what he said was that he cannot help but be truthful to all that are around him, and despite what that truth may be, he hopes it will be met with appreciation. To me, appreciation equates into a level of respect and tolerance for differing views.

I can relate to this idea because growing up, and to this very day, I maintain a strong tendency and willingness to express my ideas/opinions/and observed truths. As well, I avidly defend and elaborate on my views when necessary. As a result of such forthwright self expression there were times throughout grade school that I was criticized and deemed a "bitch" simply for speaking my mind, or justly defending myself or others in a given situation. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if being honest and upfront, rather than indifferent and withdrawn, makes me a bitch then so be it! I wouldn't live my life any other way. Anyway, someone came along and in response to my cousin's status wrote, "The truth is a relative concept..." Inevitably, I was compelled to put in my two cents... Practically everything in life is relative, however I don't believe that one should restrain themselves from expressing their opinions/ideas simply because others may not agree. These days it seems that the strength of ones convictions is often met with intolerance and distaste. There's something about those that would rather admonish and attempt... to silence such self-expressions (rather than stating and articulating their opposition) that disturbs me... almost as if they want to go through life in a haze of conformity and complacency. I admire those individuals that reject that path in life and instead take the more difficult road of individuality and passion.

What do you think about the idea that truth is relative?